by Eric van der Vlist is published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)
except (in the context of a except-name-class) — Remove a name class from another
element except { ( ( element * - rng:* { ... }* ) & ( element name { ... } | element anyName { ... } | element nsName { ... } | element choice { ... } )+ ) } |
The except name class can remove a name class from another. Note that this name class has no attributes.
It's impossible to use except to produce empty name classes by including anyName in an except name class or nsName in an except name class included in another nsName.
<element> <anyName> <except> <nsName ns=""/> <nsName ns=""/> <nsName ns=""/> </except> </anyName> <ref name="anything"/> </element> <element> <nsName ns=ns=""/> <except> <name>lib:name</name> <name>hr:name</name> <except> </nsName> <ref name="anything"/> </element> |
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