by Eric van der Vlist is published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)

Creating Building Blocks

Table of Contents

10.1. Using External References
10.1.1. With Russian Doll Schemas
10.1.2. With Flat Schemas
10.1.3. Embedding Grammars
10.1.4. Referencing Patterns in Parent Grammars
10.2. Merging Grammars
10.2.1. Merging Without Redefinition
10.2.2. Merging and Replacing Definitions
10.2.3. Combining Definitions
10.2.4. Why Can't Definitions Be Defined by Group?
10.3. A Real-World Example: XHTML 2.0
10.4. Other Options
10.4.1. A Possible Use Case
10.4.2. XML Tools
10.4.3. Text Tools

You have seen how named patterns can give some modularity to our schemas and how they can define recursive content models. In this chapter, I'll show how patterns can serve as building blocks in libraries of content models that can then be assembled into complete schemas. To do so, I'll introduce new RELAX NG patterns that control the inclusion of schemas.

This text is released under the Free Software Foundation GFDL.