by Eric van der Vlist is published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)
I wrote in the introduction to this chapter that the notions of "extensible" and "open" are largely independent. After all you have seen, you might even think that opening a schema can be an impediment to its extensibility. Let's say I have written an open model for the content of the book element that allows foreign nodes:
<define name="book-content"> <interleave> <attribute name="id"/> <attribute name="available"/> <element name="isbn"> <ref name="isbn-content"/> </element> <element name="title"> <ref name="title-content"/> </element> <zeroOrMore> <element name="author"> <ref name="author-content"/> </element> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <element name="character"> <ref name="character-content"/> </element> </zeroOrMore> <ref name="foreign-nodes"/> </interleave> </define> |
book-content = attribute id { text } & attribute available { text } & element isbn { isbn-content } & element title { title-content } & element author { author-content }* & element character { character-content }* & foreign-nodes |
I have independently applied the tips for building an extensible schema (using interleave and containers) and also for defining an open schema (referencing a wildcard to allow foreign nodes). Unfortunately, if my schema is open, it's no longer very extensible.
Imagine that I want to add a couple of XLink attributes to define a link to a web page. I can't combine this new attribute with the existing schema using interleave. This new attribute would be considered a duplicate of the implicit definition of xlink:href already contained in the foreign-nodes wildcard.
The situation is similar for the addition of new elements. If I want to add an optional dc:copyright element, for instance, I can, but the constraint applied to this element will be in conflict with the lax definition of dc:copyright implicitly contained in the foreign-nodes wildcard. If the new constraint isn't met, RELAX NG will still find a match for a bogus dc:copyright element in the wildcard.
Does that mean that open schemas can't be extensible? Yes and no. While wildcards make open schemas less extensible, I can overcome that problem by extending schemas before opening them. To come back to the example, I'd better write a closed schema first (closed-schema.rng):
<define name="book-content"> <interleave> <attribute name="id"/> <attribute name="available"/> <element name="isbn"> <ref name="isbn-content"/> </element> <element name="title"> <ref name="title-content"/> </element> <zeroOrMore> <element name="author"> <ref name="author-content"/> </element> </zeroOrMore> <zeroOrMore> <element name="character"> <ref name="character-content"/> </element> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> </define> |
or, in the compact syntax, closed-schema.rnc:
book-content = attribute id { text } & attribute available { text } & element isbn { isbn-content } & element title { title-content } & element author { author-content }* & element character { character-content }* |
I can then carefully keep this closed schema in a first document and extend it by inclusion and combination to become open:
<include href="closed-schema.rng"/> <define name="book-content" combine="interleave"> <ref name="foreign-nodes"/> </define> |
include "closed-schema.rnc" book-content &= foreign-nodes |
Applications would then use the open schema (the one produced by inclusion and combination) and derive the benefit as if the schema were natively open. The closed-schema would be available to extend the content model, redefine the foreign-node wildcard, and open the schema again in different ways.
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