by Eric van der Vlist is published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)
Let's examine the motivations behind XML namespaces. The first motivation is to have namespaces replace the formal public identifier (FPI), an inheritance from SGML. These identifiers provide a way to identify which vocabulary, or set of names, is being used in a document. The XML/SGML way of identifying the vocabulary used in our library would be to add a public identifier to the document type declaration such as:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE library PUBLIC "-//ERICVANDERVLIST//DTD for library//EN" "library.dtd"/> <library> ... </library> |
This DOCTYPE declaration contains an FPI (-//ERICVANDERVLIST//DTD for library//EN) and the location of the DTD describing the vocabulary (library.dtd). XML requires that the DOCTYPE declaration always provide a SYSTEM identifier—a location—when a PUBLIC identifier is used, though PUBLIC identifiers aren't required when SYSTEM identifiers are used. The creators of XML 1.0 didn't want to require parsers to include the tools (typically XML catalog processing) for resolving formal public identifiers to addresses, but they kept the option open. Because the DOCTYPE declaration provides the parser with identification of the DTD rather than the identification of the abstract set of names, this approach is generally sensible.
The first goal of XML namespaces is to provide identifiers for the abstract notions of vocabularies and namespaces without linking these identifiers directly to the technical implementations (DTDs, schemas, or whatever) that define or enforce what they are. These identifiers are no longer FPIs like those used in doctype declarations but Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs, or, to be picky, "URI references"). These identifiers can be applied to every element and attribute in a document, not just the document as a whole. To assign a namespace to all the elements from Example 3-1, you can use an xmlns attribute to assign a URI to the default namespace:
<?xml version="1.0"?> library xmlns=""> ... </library> |
The identifier for my namespace is the string There doesn't need to be any document at this address—it's only a label. Though it looks temptingly like a hyperlink, it's not designed to be used that way. Namespaces are identifiers that give a hint about ownership. The assumption is I create a namespace only if I own the domain it uses and that I won't use the same identifier to identify several different things. XML namespaces per se don't define any way to associate resources such as schemas or documentations with a namespace URI. (For a mechanism that does that, see Resource Directory Description Language at
The namespace declaration xmlns="" has been applied to the document element (library), and that declaration is inherited by all its child elements, unless the child elements provide their own namespace declarations and override it.
The second goal of XML namespaces, and the place where it goes farther than FPIs in DOCTYPE declarations, is to provide a way to mix elements and attributes from different namespaces in a single document. In our library for instance, the library and book elements use a vocabulary specific to libraries, while the author element can use a vocabulary for human resources. The character element can be a mix of both: the character element itself and the qualification element would be from the library namespace, while the name and born elements would be from the HR vocabulary. Figure 11-1 shows how this might look in the XML document.
Applying namespaces to the elements can be achieved using the xmlns declaration as we have already seen:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <library xmlns=""> <book id="b0836217462" available="true"> <isbn>0836217462</isbn> <title xml:lang="en">Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job</title> <author id="CMS" xmlns=""> <name>Charles M Schulz</name> <born>1922-11-26</born> <dead>2000-02-12</dead> </author> <character id="PP"> <name xmlns="">Peppermint Patty</name> <born xmlns="">1966-08-22</born> <qualification>bold, brash and tomboyish</qualification> </character> <character id="Snoopy"> <name xmlns="">Snoopy</name> <born xmlns="">1950-10-04</born> <qualification>extroverted beagle</qualification> </character> <character id="Schroeder"> <name xmlns="">Schroeder</name> <born xmlns="">1951-05-30</born> <qualification>brought classical music to the Peanuts strip</qualification> </character> <character id="Lucy"> <name xmlns="">Lucy</name> <born xmlns="">1952-03-03</born> <qualification>bossy, crabby and selfish</qualification> </character> </book> </library> |
Applying namespace declarations to every element rapidly becomes very verbose. To reduce this verbosity, XML namespaces provide a way to assign prefixes to namespaces. These prefixes can then be applied to the names of the elements (and attributes) to identify their namespaces. The namespace declared using the xmlns attribute is called the default namespace because it's assigned to elements that have no prefix. The previous document can be rewritten using the default namespace for the library and by assigning an hr prefix to the other namespace:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <library xmlns="" xmlns:hr=""> <book id="b0836217462" available="true"> <isbn>0836217462</isbn> <title xml:lang="en">Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job</title> <hr:author id="CMS"> <hr:name>Charles M Schulz</hr:name> <hr:born>1922-11-26</hr:born> <hr:dead>2000-02-12</hr:dead> </hr:author> <character id="PP"> <hr:name>Peppermint Patty</hr:name> <hr:born>1966-08-22</hr:born> <qualification>bold, brash and tomboyish</qualification> </character> <character id="Snoopy"> <hr:name>Snoopy</hr:name> <hr:born>1950-10-04</hr:born> <qualification>extroverted beagle</qualification> </character> <character id="Schroeder"> <hr:name>Schroeder</hr:name> <hr:born>1951-05-30</hr:born> <qualification>brought classical music to the Peanuts strip</qualification> </character> <character id="Lucy"> <hr:name>Lucy</hr:name> <hr:born>1952-03-03</hr:born> <qualification>bossy, crabby and selfish</qualification> </character> </book> </library> |
If preferred, for symmetry, you can use a prefix for both namespaces:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <lib:library xmlns:lib="" xmlns:hr=""> <lib:book id="b0836217462" available="true"> <lib:isbn>0836217462</lib:isbn> <lib:title xml:lang="en">Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job</lib:title> <hr:author id="CMS"> <hr:name>Charles M Schulz</hr:name> <hr:born>1922-11-26</hr:born> <hr:dead>2000-02-12</hr:dead> </hr:author> <lib:character id="PP"> <hr:name>Peppermint Patty</hr:name> <hr:born>1966-08-22</hr:born> <lib:qualification>bold, brash and tomboyish</lib:qualification> </lib:character> <lib:character id="Snoopy"> <hr:name>Snoopy</hr:name> <hr:born>1950-10-04</hr:born> <lib:qualification>extroverted beagle</lib:qualification> </lib:character> <lib:character id="Schroeder"> <hr:name>Schroeder</hr:name> <hr:born>1951-05-30</hr:born> <lib:qualification>brought classical music to the Peanuts strip </lib:qualification> </lib:character> <lib:character id="Lucy"> <hr:name>Lucy</hr:name> <hr:born>1952-03-03</hr:born> <lib:qualification>bossy, crabby and selfish</lib:qualification> </lib:character> </lib:book> </lib:library> |
Note that, for a namespace-aware application, the three previous documents are considered equivalent. The prefixes are only shortcuts to associate a namespace URI and a local name (the part of the name after the colon). This combination disambiguates cases in which the same local name is used in other namespaces.
Elements and attributes receive slightly different namespace handling. They are similar in that attribute names can be given a prefix to show that they belong to a namespace. They get special treatment in that the default namespace doesn't apply to them and any attributes that have no prefix are considered to have no namespace URI. They sort of belong to the namespace of their parent element but not exactly. The reason for this is that attributes are supposed to provide metadata qualifying their parent element rather than to contain actual information. Being qualifiers, it's often considered that by default they belong to the same vocabulary as their parent elements. This is why I have kept the id and available attributes unprefixed in my three examples. Technically, however, these attributes are in no namespace and have no namespace URI.
The last goal of XML namespaces (and the motivation for taking that much effort to allow several namespaces in a single document) is to facilitate the development of independent (or semi-independent) vocabularies that can be used as building blocks. One of the ideas is that if applications are cleanly designed and just ignore elements and attributes that they don't understand, documents can be extended to support new features without breaking existing applications.
For instance, in the sample library I haven't defined the publisher of the book. I can add a publisher element to our existing namespace, but instead might want to use the definition given by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). They've already created an element for representing publishers in a namespace they've defined. I can use their namespace to write:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <library xmlns="" xmlns:hr="" xmlns:dc=""> <book id="b0836217462" available="true"> <isbn>0836217462</isbn> <title xml:lang="en">Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job</title> <dc:publisher>Andrews Mc Meel Publishing</dc:publisher> </book> </library> |
There are two benefits to doing this. First, everyone can easily understand that the publisher element corresponds to the definition given by the DCMI:
URI: Namespace: dc/elements/1.1/ Name: publisher Label: Publisher Definition: An entity responsible for making the resource available Comment: Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organisation, or a service. Typically, the name of a Publisher should be used to indicate the entity. Type of term: Status: Date issued: 1998-08-06 Date modified: 2002-10-04 Decision: This version: Replaces: |
The second benefit is that if my application has been implemented to skip elements and attributes from unsupported namespaces, the addition of this dc:publisher element won't break anything. Again, note that the mechanism to retrieve this definition isn't specified by the "Namespaces in XML" recommendation.
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