by Eric van der Vlist is published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)


Table of Contents

17. Element Reference
17.1. Elements
anyName - Name class accepting any name
attribute - Pattern matching an attribute
choice (in the context of a name-class) - Choice between name classes
choice (in the context of a pattern) - choice pattern
data - data pattern
define - Named pattern definition
div (in the context of a grammar-content) - Division (in the context of a grammar)
div (in the context of a include-content) - Division (in the context of an include)
element - Pattern matching an element
empty - Empty content
except (in the context of a except-name-class) - Remove a name class from another
except (in the context of a pattern) - Remove a set of values from a data
externalRef - Reference to an external schema
grammar - Grammar pattern
group - group pattern
include - Grammar merge
interleave - interleave pattern
list - Text node split
mixed - Pattern for mixed content models
name - Name class for a single name
notAllowed - Not allowed
nsName - Name class for any name in a namespace
oneOrMore - oneOrMore pattern
optional - optional pattern
param - Datatype parameter
parentRef - Reference to a named pattern from the parent grammar
ref - Reference to a named pattern
start - Start of a grammar
text - Pattern-matching text nodes
value - Match a text node and a value
zeroOrMore - zeroOrMore pattern
18. Compact Syntax Reference
18.1. EBNF Production Reference
"""...""" - literal segmentenclosed in three double quotesLiteral segment enclosed in three quotesdoubledouble quotes
"..." - literal segmentenclosed in double quotesLiteral segment enclosed in double quotes
'''...''' - literal segmentenclosed in three single quotesLiteral segment enclosed in three single quotessinglequotes
'...' - literal segmentenclosed in single quotesLiteral segment enclosed in single quotes
(nameClass) - Container
(pattern) - Container
*-nameClass - Name class accepting any name
-nameClass - Remove a name class from another
-pattern - Remove a set of values from a data pattern
CName - Colonized names
QuotedIdentifier - Quoted identifier
Top level - Top level
assignMethod - Defines how to assign content to start and named patterns
attribute - Pattern matching an attribute
datatypeName - Datatype name
datatypeName literal - Matches a text node and a value
datatypeName param exceptPattern - data pattern
datatypes - Namespace declaration (to identify datatype libraries)
decl - Declarations
default namespace - Default namespace declaration
div - Division (in the context of a grammar)
element - Pattern matching an element
empty - Empty content
external - Reference to an external schema
grammar - Grammar pattern
grammarContent - Content of a grammar
identifier - Identifier
identifier assignMethod pattern - Named pattern definition
identifierOrKeyword - Identifier or keyword
include - Grammar merge
includeContent - Content of an include pattern
inherit - Namespace inheritance
keyword - Keywords
list - Text node split
literal - Literal
literalSegment - Literal segment
mixed - Pattern for mixed content models
name - Define a set of names that must be matched by an element or attribute
nameClass - Define a set of names that must be matched by an element or attribute
nameClass|nameClass - Choice between name classes
namespace - Namespace declaration
namespaceURILiteral - Namespace URI Literal
notAllowed - Not allowed
nsName exceptNameClass - Name class for any name in a namespace
param - Datatype parameter
parent - Reference to a named pattern from the parent grammar
pattern - Pattern
pattern&pattern - interleave pattern
pattern* - zeroOrMore pattern
pattern+ - oneOrMore pattern
pattern,pattern - pattern,pattern pattern
pattern? - optional pattern
pattern|pattern - choice pattern
start - Start of a grammar
text - Pattern matching text nodes
19. Datatype Reference
xsd:anyURI - URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
xsd:base64Binary - Binary content coded as "base64"
xsd:boolean - Boolean (true or false)
xsd:byte - Signed value of 8 bits
xsd:date - Gregorian calendar date
xsd:dateTime - Instant of time (Gregorian calendar)
xsd:decimal - Decimal numbers
xsd:double - IEEE 64-bit floating-point
xsd:duration - Time durations
xsd:ENTITIES - Whitespace-separated list of unparsed entity references
xsd:ENTITY - Reference to an unparsed entity
xsd:float - IEEE 32-bit floating-point
xsd:gDay - Recurring period of time: monthly day
xsd:gMonth - Recurring period of time: yearly month
xsd:gMonthDay - Recurring period of time: yearly day
xsd:gYear - Period of one year
xsd:gYearMonth - Period of one month
xsd:hexBinary - Binary contents coded in hexadecimal
xsd:ID - Definition of unique identifiers
xsd:IDREF - Definition of references to unique identifiers
xsd:IDREFS - Definition of lists of references to unique identifiers
xsd:int - 32-bit signed integers
xsd:integer - Signed integers of arbitrary length
xsd:language - RFC 1766 language codes
xsd:long - 64-bit signed integers
xsd:Name - XML 1.O name
xsd:NCName - Unqualified names
xsd:negativeInteger - Strictly negative integers of arbitrary length
xsd:NMTOKEN - XML 1.0 name token (NMTOKEN)
xsd:NMTOKENS - List of XML 1.0 name tokens (NMTOKEN)
xsd:nonNegativeInteger - Integers of arbitrary length positive or equal to zero
xsd:nonPositiveInteger - Integers of arbitrary length negative or equal to zero
xsd:normalizedString - Whitespace-replaced strings
xsd:NOTATION - Emulation of the XML 1.0 feature
xsd:positiveInteger - Strictly positive integers of arbitrary length
xsd:QName - Namespaces in XML-qualified names
xsd:short - 32-bit signed integers
xsd:string - Any string
xsd:time - Point in time recurring each day
xsd:token - Whitespace-replaced and collapsed strings
xsd:unsignedByte - Unsigned value of 8 bits
xsd:unsignedInt - Unsigned integer of 32 bits
xsd:unsignedLong - Unsigned integer of 64 bits
xsd:unsignedShort - Unsigned integer of 16 bits

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