RELAX NG by Eric van der Vlist will be published by O'Reilly & Associates (ISBN: 0596004214)
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A common approach to software documentation is to extract documentation from the source documents relying on the structure of the programs and their comments. (A good example is JavaDoc, the documentation extracting tool shipped with Java and used almost universally on Java projects.) Other projects keep code and documentation separate. For both approaches, it is often the case that documentation and comments evolve separately from the code, and the documentation eventually goes out of date.
Projects tend to focus on the code. Documentation is often considered a side project, less important than the code. Donald Knuth, the inventor of the term "literate programming", has a contrary point of view:
"I believe that the time is ripe for significantly better documentation of programs, and that we can best achieve this by considering programs to be works of literature. Hence, my title: "Literate Programming." (Donald Knuth. "Literate Programming (1984)" in Literate Programming. CSLI, 1992, pg. 99.)
Knuth charges us with the task of changing our traditional attitude to the construction of programs. Instead of giving priority to instructing a computer what to do, he suggests that programmers concentrate on explaining to human beings what the computer is supposed to do.
The practitioner of literate programming can be regarded as an essayist, whose main concern is with exposition and excellence of style. Such an author, with thesaurus in hand, chooses of variable names carefully and explains what each variable means. He or she strives for a program that is comprehensible. The programs us concepts that have been introduced in an order that is best for human understanding, using a mixture of formal and informal methods that reinforce each other."
Norm Walsh has adapted the concept to XML. Tools for doing Literate Programming in XML are available under the name "litprog" by the DocBook project on SourceForge ( The basic idea of Literate Programming is to include a snippet of code (or a snippet of schemas in our case) within the documentation which can be written in any XML format including XHTML or DocBook. From this single document embedding code in documentation, a couple of XSLT transformation generate then a formated documentation and the source code.
This makes two big changes. First, as expected, you're working upside down compared to the common usage of adding comments in the code. The other major practical difference is that you are now defining the relations between the snippets of code or schema using the mechanisms of "litprog" instead of using the mechanisms which are specific to each programming language. The granularity of the documentation becomes virtually independent of the granularity of your functions, methods, or, in our case, our named patterns. This has also the benefit that we could group several languages in a single literate documentation. This way we can describe, for instance, a RELAX NG schema of a document using an XSLT transformation to manipulate the document, and then have a DOM application read it.
Literate Programming works well with RELAX NG, as we will show in an example. A literate programming document embeds src:fragment elements to mark the fragments of a schema into the program documentation. The fragments are then assembled into a complete schema. The documentation can use any format such as DocBook, XHTML, or even RDDL. Using XHTML, the description of the name element could be:
<div> <h2>The <tt>name</tt> element</h2> <p>This is the name of the character.</p> <src:fragment id="name" xmlns=""> <rng:element name="name"> <rng:text/> </rng:element> </src:fragment> </div> |
Or, with the compact syntax:
<div> <h2>The <tt>name</tt> element</h2> <p>This is the name of the character.</p> <src:fragment id="name" xmlns=""> element name { text } </src:fragment> </div> |
In this first snippet, the definition of our element is simple enough that it doesn't have to reference any other patterns, but a definition can also make a reference to an src:fragment element by using src:fragref, as in:
<div> <h1>The <tt>character</tt> element</h1> <p>The <tt>character</tt> element is the container holding all the information about a character.</p> <src:fragment id="character" xmlns=""> <rng:element name="character"> <src:fragref linkend="id"/> <src:fragref linkend="name"/> <src:fragref linkend="born"/> <rng:optional> <src:fragref linkend="qualification"/> </rng:optional> </rng:element> </src:fragment> </div> |
Or, using the compact syntax:
<div> <h1>The <tt>character</tt> element</h1> <p>The <tt>character</tt> element is the container holding all the information about a character.</p> <src:fragment id="character" xmlns=""> element character { <src:fragref linkend="id"/>, <src:fragref linkend="name"/>, <src:fragref linkend="born"/>, <src:fragref linkend="qualification"/> ? } </src:fragment> </div> |
From this literate programming document, XSLT transformation can produce two different outputs. The first one is the schema itself. Assuming we've defined all the attributes and sub-elements of our character element, the generated schema will be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rng:grammar xmlns:rng="" xmlns:src="" datatypeLibrary=""> <rng:start> <rng:element name="character"> <rng:attribute name="id"> <rng:data type="id" datatypeLibrary=""/> </rng:attribute> <rng:element name="name"> <rng:text/> </rng:element> <rng:element name="born"> <rng:data type="date"/> </rng:element> <rng:optional> <element name="qualification"> <text/> </element> </rng:optional> </rng:element> </rng:start> </rng:grammar> |
Or, converted to the compact syntax:
datatypes d = "" start= element character { attribute id { d:id }, element name { text }, element born { xsd:date }, element qualification { text } ? } |
This is a pretty normal looking schema. The thing we need to highlight is the way it has been modularized. Up to now, we've been using named patterns, a mechanism provided by RELAX NG, to split a schema into small, manageable pieces. We could have done the same thing in our last example, but we now have another possible way of splitting our schema. Now we can use the mechanisms provided by the literate programming framework and define and combine fragments using src:fragment and src:fragref instead of the define and ref elements from RELAX NG. By doing so, we can generate a monolithic Russian doll schema through a modular description of its elements and attributes.
The second output from this literate programming document is the XHTML documentation, shown in Figure�1:
or, as shown in Figure�2, for the compact syntax:
We mentioned RDDL in Chapter 13: Annotating Schemas. RDDL can be read as plain XHTML by human beings in a standard web browser and by applications that will use the semantic attributes of XLink to discover resources such as schemas and stylesheets.
RDDL documents can be generated from annotated RELAX NG schemas. When documenting XML vocabularies, RDDL can also be used to generate schemas. It is very tempting to use the literate programming framework to produce RDDL documents. RDDL is extremely similar to XHTML, which makes this easier. We could use the DocBook litprog stylesheets right away, but we could also import them into stylesheets to facilitate the authoring of RDDL documents.
The main burden when writing RDDL documents is that the information made available for the application needs to be repeated for human readers (or vice-versa). For instance, to publish a snippet of schema describing the name element as an RDDL normative reference, we could write this (note the "exclude-result-prefixes" and "mundane-result-prefixes" attributes which the RDDL tools need to control various namespaces introduced for RDDL):
<rddl:resource id="name-elt" xlink:type="simple" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:role="" xlink:title="The name element" xlink:href="#name-elt"> <div class="resource"> <h2>The <tt>name</tt> element</h2> <src:fragment id="name" xmlns="" exclude-result-prefixes="cr xlink rddl rng" mundane-result-prefixes="rng"> <rng:element name="name"> <rng:text/> </rng:element> </src:fragment> </div> </rddl:resource> |
This isn't complicated, but there is some repetition here. The content of the h2 element is copied into xlink:title. and xlink:href is reuses the value of the id attribute because the resource is local. External resources have similar redundancies. When the RDDL document is generated by an XSLT transformation, as is the case in Literate Programming, it's tempting to define shortcuts that avoid these redundancies. We could then write:
<cr:resource id="name-elt" role="" arcrole=""> <h2>The <tt>name</tt> element</h2> <p>This is the name of the character.</p> <src:fragment id="name" xmlns="" exclude-result-prefixes="cr xlink rddl rng" mundane-result-prefixes="rng"> <rng:element name="name"> <rng:text/> </rng:element> </src:fragment> </cr:resource> |
Other features can easily be added, such as numbering the divisions, generating a table of contents, indexes of resources, and pretty printing code snippets. Our resulting document is shown in Figure�3:
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All text is copyright Eric van der Vlist, Dyomedea. During development, I give permission for non-commercial copying for educational and review purposes. After publication, all text will be released under the Free Software Foundation GFDL.